
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Decorate Your Room with Stars - Star Theatre Planetarium

I believe most of us dreamed of becoming an astronomer in our childhood. When I was young, I was so fascinated by the sky that is full of stars and wondering what is really happening out there. Nowadays we care less about astronomy (what? right, if you count horoscope in). It is also difficult to spot that many stars in urban areas because of light pollutions. Recently I came across this really cool stuff when reading through a magazine. I would really like to share it with you guys, the Star Theatre Planetarium.

P1585 column grid 12

(Photo from

It works much like a projector. When you turn the lights off in the room, and switch on the Star Theatre, here we go, you have the whole universe in your room! I managed to find a video on youtube to demonstrate the coolness.

It can also be set a time interval to produce random 'shooting stars' so it looks more real!

Isn't it great? Ok, I admit that it's a bit geeky watching stars in your room, but that's a perfect entertainment when you invite friends to your house and also a good opportunity to impress your girlfriend! :p 

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. always wanted to get it but I'm pretty sure it comes with a hefty price tag!

    1. Hi Joonming, if you check out the link in my post. It's about 100 euros. Somewhat expensive but still affordable, especially appealing to gadget fans like us :p
