
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Fresh New Look for Flickr!

I complained about Flickr last time when I was writing about 500px. I was not very happy with its old, clumsy UI and not motivated at all to upload new photos. Luckily, Flickr seems to have realized this as well. After a major revamp of the UI and free 1TB storage for everybody, it looks all new again!

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The before and after screenshots well explained the change. Photos are now nicely displayed by fitting in place rather than piece by piece. It also introduces the concept of cover photo, like many other social websites and a high resolution profile picture. 

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In the Homepage, contacts' activities are more 'photo-oriented', and it's easier to find photos that one will be interested in.

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The Uploadr also seems better tweaked. Now Flickr offers 1TB free storage space and original images to all its users. In the Uploadr it indicates that how much you have used of the 1TB storage. Not sure how the previous paid users feel about this upgrade? However, it is definitely some change that is welcomed by the majority of Flickr community.

I feel more motivated to upload my photos to Flickr after the change. Of course, it still has its shortcomings, for example, I can't change the layout of the photostream. I want to reduce the photo size to display more photos in one screen.  It also only has the option to add photos to favourite but not simply 'like' it, which makes the social feature less interactive. 

Anyway, Flickr has done the right thing. People must feel more encouraged to upload their photos to Flickr now (at least I do). So do check it out if you haven't come back to Flickr for long! 

You can check out my Flickr site here :)

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Monday, June 17, 2013

Swim with Your Beats On! Sony Waterproof Walkman NWZ-W273

Swimming is fun, but could sometimes be dull as well. You can't watch your favourite TV show on Youtube, or even just listen to some light music. Luckily technology nowadays has enabled us at least to enjoy some music while taking a dive in the water. This is Sony's latest wearable walkman NWZ-W273. 


This is actually the second generation of this line. The previous generation offers similar design and water-resistant functionality, however, it's only splash proof, meaning that you still can't swim with it. The latest NWZ-W273 just upgraded the storage and more importantly, it offers waterproof up to depth of 2 meters! 


The Walkman itself looks like a sports headphone, but its chip hides inside the module near the ear. Printed on one module is Sony's logo and the other is Walkman's. 


All the controls are at the bottom of two ear pieces. The buttons, however, are a bit lack in feedback so you may find it hard to press. The ear plug snug pretty fit in my ears. It also comes with 4 different sizes of ear plugs so I am sure you will find one that fits you the best. 


The power button is on the side of right ear piece. To switch on the MP3, press it for 3 seconds until the green light is on. The switch beside is a power button lock so that it won't be accidentally put on.


By slotting the MP3 in the stand, it can be charged or connected to the computer for music transferring. Pretty cool!


This is how it looks like when I wear it.. It's quite comfortable wearing it. By the way, bright pinky actually looks not that bad :p

It has 4GB internal storage and I believe that is sufficient for an MP3 used in workout. The sound quality is not so bad given the fact that it's selling point is about waterproof and wearable sports MP3. It can be easily cleaned with some flowing water from the tap. One thing to notice that is you have to use the best fit ear plug when you swim. It is because that if the ear plug is too loose, the water will come in between the ear and the MP3 and affect the sound reception.

In short, Sony NWZ-W273 is a great MP3 for exercise and one of the few that can actually accompany you when you are in the pool. If you are in the market for getting a sports MP3 or even sports earphones, this Walkman piece is worth the money. Oh, did I mention its retail price is only 129 SGD? Also do share with me if you have any other alternative MP3 for workout / swimming in the comment!

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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Adobe Lightroom 5 Official Version! Three New Features That You Must Try

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As mentioned in my previous post, I was excited about the new upgrade of Adobe Lightroom. At that time Lightroom 5 is only a beta version so that it is not compatible with the Lightroom 4 catalog file. Now finally Adobe puts its official release on its website. What's more, anybody with an Adobe account can enjoy up to 30 days free trial! So if you are not so sure whether Lightroom 5 is the right tool for you, always download the trial version to find out more!

Over the upgrade, the greatest concern is that whether it offers faster processing speed that Lightroom 4. Lightroom 4 is REALLY sluggish, much slower than Lightroom 3, regardless of your hardware specification. A couple of my friends tried out the Lightroom 5 and said it's much faster than its predecessor. However, I don't have the same experience as them. I find it marginally faster than before. It could be because that I am running it on MacBook Air that I bought almost three years ago (Core 2 Duo!). So I would assume anybody has a current mainstream computer would enjoy the improvement.

Lightroom 5 offers a bunch of new features. Besides some of the small add-ons like video slide show, location-based organisation. There are three features I think are worth introducing in this post. This will greatly enhance the post-process of your photos.

Radial Gradient

First is the radial gradient. Previous generations of Lightroom only offers linear gradient functions. It has been a great function in editing. The addition of radial gradient makes this even more useful. 

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Changing the saturation to negative, it can make the subject stand out

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Adjusting the exposure to negative, the subject in the centre of the radial filter will be standing out (thought that could be achieved using vignette effect).


The second feature is Upright. Lightroom 5 will auto-analyse the picture and adjust to the upright perspective. It is extremely useful for landscape and building photos since many times we may not have photo at perfect level or vertically it is not in the same plate.  Below are some examples how this function can help solve the problem

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I took this photo around Chinatown, Singapore and you can see that the photo was taken from lower perspective (I am not tall enough! :( ). After the adjustment, the photo looks like as if it were taken from the same level.

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This was taken in front of the Grand Place in Cambodia, I was trying to capture the flying pigeons so I didn't notice my photo is tilted. After the Upright adjustment, it loos much better. It may seem only some rotation is done, but if you take a closer look, you can see the road line is straightened as well. 

Advanced Healing Brush

The last one is powerful! If you have used Photoshop before, you'll be amazed how its healing brush works. It can smartly remove the subject and keep the background clean as if it never existed. And this advanced healing brush has come to Lightroom 5! You are empowered!

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In the photo above it is actually good to have some figure in the foreground, so here is just an illustration of how it works. All you have to do is to apply the healing brush on the subject and it will be replaced by the similar background! Isn't this great? though you may need to try a few times to get the best result.

This is what I have got with Lightroom 5 so far. For sure there are many more to explore and I will share with you guys when I find out that. Also please let me know in the comment if you have tried out Lightroom 5 and found any interesting bits.

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

iOS 7 Is Here! My Reviews and Thoughts

Finally the highly anticipated WWDC has shown the world some interesting work Apple is working on. Besides the updated all the small updates, the most prominent one is, without doubt, the introduction of the latest iOS, iOS 7. 


Ever since Jony Ivy has taken over the supervision of iOS design, it has been rumoured that this Apple's ultimate design master is going to redesign the UI completely. Indeed, this time, iOS 7 is a major design overhaul since it's first introduction in 2007. I have downloaded a beta version on my iPhone 5 and I am gonna take you to a closer look at the new iOS. 


Installing the iOS 7 on my iPhone 5.. Even the Apple logo is flattened now.

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As you can see, except that the layout still remains the same, the rest of the UI looks quite different now. Icons are now flat and more abstract. Colour scheme is lighter. The fonts are thinner. Signal bar is replaced by signal dots. And finally the Clock app is showing the actual time on its icon!

There are also quite a lot of change in animation. When launching an app, instead of pop out from the centre of the screen, now it's from the app icon itself. There are quite a few more transition animation inside apps as well.

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In iOS 7, instead of swiping to the left to access spotlight search, swiping the screen down from any home page will bring down the spotlight search bar. It is obviously more convenient. As you can see, the appearance of the keyboard has changed as well.

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By swiping up from the bottom, it brings up the Control Centre. It is similar to what Android phones have now. Many switches are nicely placed for easy access. Music control is also now integrated in the panel. The flash light can be used as a torch now, although that has already been supported by many 3rd party apps.

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Swiping from the top edge is the notification centre. It has three tabs: today shows weather information, calendar and stock price. All tab has other apps' notifications and missed are those notifications that have not been seen.

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The lock screen is simpler than before. There is no slide bar any more. And instead, it's just a line of words. 

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The passcode pad is also redesigned to circle buttons. 

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When folder is opened, it now occupies the whole screen and by swiping left and right you can find other apps.

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Multitasking UI is changed as well. To close an app in the background, simply drag it upwards. However, it still doesn't have the option to close all at one tap.

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Calendar is redesigned to a flat and simple look as well.

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The weather app is more like a Yahoo! weather app now. They are supported by Yahoo! anyway.. But it is quite useless looking at weather forecast in Singapore..

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Photo app is now integrated with location and time. If you want to use the old layout, album is the best choice.

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Camera app receives a revamp, too. You can now choose square photo size and also choose one of photo filter provided by Apple. It is more like an Instagram now, though I still love the filters in Instagram more..

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Safari now supports more than 8 tabs! The address bar and search bar have finally come to one, which Chrome has done that years ago. The Private Browsing can also be enabled to protect privacy. In the bookmark session, there is one tab called 'Shared Links'. It includes all the shared links through your social network such as Twitter, Sina Weibo etc. Very cool!

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Compass is getting cooler. Now it also shows the location of the current place.

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Settings app is changed to a new look, like on a plain paper.


There are many more small tweaks in the systems and features that I have not covered. In all, I love the new iOS7 a lot. Many people would say that a lot of ideas are copied from Android, like Control Centre. I admit that is the case, but still thinking that if this is something good, why not use it? It shouldn't become that you don't use something good simply because somebody else used it first.

Apple has been criticised that the revamp shows that Apple is lacking in innovation in iOS 7. However, allow me to say, if Apple today has launch some iOS that is only marginally redesigned from previous version, it will only receive more critics on innovation. Complete UI redesign of a mature system isn't a very easy job. Look at Windows 8, you will understand how Microsoft has been struggling with this. It is a bold step for Apple to scrap the old UI and I hope it will get even better in the future.

iOS 7 is not perfectly smooth on iPhone 5. Some apps are crashing more frequently on iPhone 4S. I suppose that the next generation of iPhone has even more computing power. I am also guessing that there is one or two 'killer features' not present on iPhone 5. It may only supported by the new hardware so that the new iPhone differentiate itself from its predecessor. 

Now I am more eager to see the next generation of iPhone equipped with iOS 7! What do you think of the iOS 7? Have you got your hands on it? Let me know your ideas in the comment below! :D 

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Monday, June 3, 2013

Do You Have A Cardboard Camera? IKEA KNÄPPA Camera Hands-On

I haven't done any post in the past two weeks because I was busy with exams..Now finally it's time to talk about new things in life! :D

IKEA's latest marketing initiative has demonstrated us that it's not only a furniture company, but a company that advocates a lifestyle. KNÄPPA camera is a product of this ideology. 

I was lucky enough to win a prize when participating in IKEA's marketing campaign. I redeemed this very special camera at their store. 


By the look of it, you can't really tell this is a camera. It is more like a piece of toy that is made of cardboard. On the top left, it's the USB plug that photos can be transferred to a computer. The memory could hold 40 pictures at one time. When it's full, the photos need to be deleted from a computer. And yes, it's reusable. 


The button in front is both a power button and shutter release. Long pressing it will turn on the camera, and it will be off if pressed long again. The green light will stay on if the camera is on. It will also be automatically switched off if no photos are taken within 60 seconds.


You need to unscrew to open the camera. Isn't it similar to IKEA's idea of DIY assembly? Between the two pieces of the cardboard, it's the electronic part of the camera. And it's where the batteries are placed. 


The batteries are placed and the power is on!

I didn't have too much expectation on this camera given its 2 million resolution (that's like phone cameras 10 years ago). So I just took some random pictures when walking in the city. Below are some shots. 








There is no way for this KNÄPPA camera to compare with a professional or even a consumer camera. The pictures are filtered like some oil painting and it's only suitable for being used under sunlight. However, it does bring some fun like a film camera. You never know how the picture turns out to be until you see it. And IKEA has achieved their marketing goal as well. They are more creative than you think!

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