
Friday, August 2, 2013

Unveiling RX100II in Singapore: Exclusive Preview Session with Sony!

Sony's RX100 has gained a lot of popularity among camera users. It has been enjoyed by both groups: amateurs and professionals.  I believe that's because it is a right combination of the size and the photo quality. And now the camera just gets even better. Its successor RX100II is launched in Singapore. I was invited to the RX100II preview session with Sony tonight. 

It's quite an exclusive session with about 20 guests and a number of Sony staff on the site. The venue is a cosy and nice café called 'Symmetry'.  It is beautifully decorated and RX100II and accessories were on display. 






Introduction of RX100II

The session started with an introduction to the upgraded RX100II. The highlights in the new model include better low light performance, tillable screen, multi-purpose hot shoe and NFC and WiFi connectivity.  




Shooting Session

It was then followed by a hands-on session where we were given test machines to walk around and shoot night scene in one of the streets around the café.


I got one test unit with me and yes it feels great in hand! 

I didn't use RX100 before and had very limited time spent with RX100II. So just a few brief thoughts first:

1. Camera body is well built and solid. It is small but not too small that you can't hold it properly.

2. Camera starts up pretty quickly, within 2 seconds I think

3. The settings can be easily navigated (or maybe because I'm a current user of NEX-5n and RX1?). But I still prefer a physical zoom ring over an electronic one..

4. Glad to see that finally the photo ratio could be 1:1 and 4:3! In NEX-5N there are only 3:2 and 16:9 available :(

5. Blur will still be expected if you shoot photos at telezoom end in a low light condition. 

6. I have not yet tested out the WiFi and NFC sharing features, but I can see that will bring a lot of new use in the daily shooting!

Here are some of shots I took with RX100II.








Besides the shooting session, one of the highlights in tonight's event is food!  So many of them and I didn't get a chance to take pictures for them all. So below are some good delights. :p






According to Sony, RX100II will be in Singapore's stores 'in a few days'. Hopefully I'll get a test unit with more thorough review pretty soon! So stay tuned if you would like to get to know more about this camera! 

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